TCX always welcomes new potential investors and clients interested in having access to its hedging solutions.
Currently, TCX transacts with the following types of counterparties:
- its investors;
- parties introduced and backed by its investors (‘assignees’);
- clients of its investors (‘investees’);
- other clients (commercial banks, funds, companies).
The categorization of the prospective counterparty is fundamental for defining the trading capacity, the access to currencies and credit/collateral terms offered by TCX. The other key factor is the counterpart’s creditworthiness, which is assessed by the fund through an in-depth analysis. The categorization of the counterparty is reflected in the different trading terms that are applicable, as displayed in the table below.
If you are interested in trading with TCX, or if you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us: [email protected].
Please note that emerging market institutions looking to raise funding should approach our investors directly, since TCX neither provides funding nor makes equity investments in emerging market institutions or corporations.